Essential HR: For Those Who Have Recently Assumed HR Responsibilities
Course Description:
The main objective of this session is to introduce you to your new responsibilities as an HR specialist and to help you learn more about your job and the organizations. By the time this session is over, you will be able to understand HR priorities, learn more about the organization, identify the requirements of employments laws and workplace policy, make ethical decisions, and perform job responsibilities successfully.
Why “Essential HR: For Those Who Have Recently Assumed HR Responsibilities” Matters:
The human resources function covers a wide variety of responsibilities. You must deal with key issues such as recruiting and hiring, compliance with employment laws, communication and enforcement of policies, employee compensation and benefits, training and development, recordkeeping, and numerous other essential duties. At the same time, you must develop your role as strategic partner with the various business units in the organization. As someone who is new to your job, there’s a lot you need to learn. This training session is designed to help you become familiar with the essentials. Knowing this information will provide a sound foundation on which you can continue to build a long and successful career in HR.
Key Points:
- The organization depends on you to ensure that we hire, train, and retain well-qualified employees.
- We also rely on you to communicate essential information to employees, administer key programs, and promote and help enforce workplace policies.
- You also play a central role in our compliance with employment laws.
- To succeed in your new job, you must become an expert in all your HR responsibilities.