Ergonomics and Other Wellness Tips for Remote Workers
Course Description:
Many home office workers report work-related musculoskeletal disorders-or MSDs-every year. For some, the problem becomes so severe that they suffer a lot of pain and have to take time off from work for treatment and recovery. But the good news is that you don’t have to be one of those who develop MSDs on the job. By understanding basic ergonomic principles and applying them to your job, you can minimize MSD risk factors, avoid stresses and strains on your body, and keep healthy and safe as you work. The main objective of this course is to cover the topic of home office ergonomics from hazards to precautions so that you can avoid developing work-related MSDs. We will also discuss other tips for general wellness while working from home.
Why “Ergonomics and Other Wellness Tips for Remote Workers” Matters:
The goal of ergonomics is to reduce injuries and illnesses caused by stress and strain on the job. Ergonomics helps keep you safe and healthy. Ergonomics involves engineering and administrative controls. For example, home office ergonomics may include engineering or designing the layout of your computer workstation so that your exposure to ergonomic risks is reduced. The way or sequence in which a task is performed may also be changed to help reduce risk factors. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), many office workers report work-related MSDs every year. For some, the problem becomes so severe that they suffer a lot of pain and have to take time off from work for treatment and recovery.
Key Points:
• Most home office workers are at risk for work-related MSDs.
• MSDs are caused by stress and strain on your body while you work.
• We use engineering and administrative controls to minimize the risks.
• You can help by following safe work practices and reporting any MSD symptoms.
• Mental and physical health during working hours is important to your overall wellness.