Encouraging Employee Input

Course Description:

Organizations grow and prosper when they encourage-and act upon-employee input. Your employees-the people who make the products, serve the customers, and perform all those essential functions-often have valuable insights into ways to save money, improve our operations, and enhance our competitive advantage. Today, we’ll focus on ways to tap into this rich source of ideas for improvement.

Course Duration: 16 minutes

Why “Encouraging Employee Input” Matters:

Organizations grow and prosper when they encourage—and act upon—employee input.

Your employees—the people who make the product, serve the customer, and perform all those other essential functions—often have valuable insights into ways to save money, improve our operations, and enhance our competitive advantage.

Key Points:

  • Employees often have valuable ideas about how to improve the organization.
  • Seeking and acting on employee input boosts morale and improves quality, productivity, customer service, and safety.
  • Take advantage of every opportunity to encourage employee input.
  • Finally, provide positive feedback and recognition for input.

A Complete Training Solution:

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