DOT Alcohol and Drug Training for Supervisors
Course Description:
Every year, many fatalities and injuries result from crashes involving large trucks and buses. While vehicle problems and driver behaviors such as speeding or fatigue are the most frequently cited factors involved in these crashes, studies indicate that operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or both, can increase crash risk anywhere from two- to sixfold. Today, we will provide you with the information about the regulations, alcohol, and controlled substance testing regulations that you need to know in order to do your job effectively. It will also give you the tools you need to enforce the DOT regulations and the organization’s alcohol and drug policy. Be sure to ask your supervisor or trainer if you do not understand any of the information presented in the program.
Why “DOT Alcohol and Drug Training for Supervisors” Matters:
At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:
- List the requirements of DOT’s alcohol and drug regulations
- Describe how alcohol and drugs affect health and performance
- Identify signs and symptoms of alcohol and drug use
- Make appropriate reasonable suspicion determinations
- Conduct effective reasonable suspicion interviews
- Recall when alcohol and drug tests are required and how tests are conducted.
Key Points:
- The DOT regulations require alcohol and drug testing of drivers who perform safety-sensitive functions under a variety of circumstances, and supervisors play a critical role in communicating rules to drivers, monitor driver performance, and make reasonable suspicion determinations.
- Reasonable suspicion determinations and testing provide supervisors with a tool to identify affected drivers who may pose a danger to themselves and others while performing safety-sensitive duties.
- As a supervisor you should be familiar with the types of alcohol and drug tests required under the regulations.
- The supervisor must be able to communicate the employer’s alcohol and drug policies and procedures to drivers.