Dipping, Coating, and Cleaning Operations
Course Description:
The main objective of this session is to talk about the hazards of dipping and coating operations and the precautions you must take to protect your health and safety. By the time this session is over, you will be able to recognize the health and safety hazards of dipping, coating, and cleaning operations, understand controls used to protect you from accidents and exposures, work safely with flammable liquids used in the processes, and know what to do in an emergency.
Course Duration: 29 minutes
Why “Dipping, Coating, and Cleaning Operations” Matters:
- Dip tanks are used in a wide variety of industries and workplace operations.
- In addition to health hazards, dip tank chemicals may also have a number of physical hazards, depending on the process and chemical.
- Dip tanks must be visually checked every day for any obvious signs of damage or deterioration.
Key Points:
- Know the health and safety hazards of chemicals used in dip tanks.
- Understand the procedures and controls designed to prevent exposures.
- Wear appropriate PPE.
- Inspect dip tank areas every day, and report any leaks or other problems.
- Know first-aid and emergency procedures.