Creating a Successful Wellness Program: A Guide for Managers
Course Description:
A workplace wellness program needs to be well-focused and well-executed to succeed. This training course goes over the necessary steps to create a successful wellness program designed for the specific health risks and vulnerabilities of your employee population. A well-run wellness program can not only help employees be healthier but it also increases your bottom line by decreasing healthcare costs, decreasing employee time away from work, increasing productivity, and even increasing morale.
Why “Creating a Successful Wellness Program: A Guide for Managers” Matters:
A successful wellness program not only helps employees be healthier but also increases your bottom line by decreasing healthcare costs, decreasing employee time away from work, increasing productivity, and increasing morale.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 75% of employers’ healthcare costs and productivity losses are related to employee lifestyle choices.
A $1 investment in wellness programs saves $3 in healthcare costs, according to the Wellness Council of America.
The worksite is the ideal place for health and wellness programs. Employees spend more than half of their waking hours at work.
Analysis of over 30 corporate wellness programs revealed claims costs were reduced by over 20%; physician visits declined by over 16%; hospital admissions declined by over 62%; disability costs were reduced by nearly 35%; and incidence of injury declined by almost 25%.
Key Points:
The main objective of this session is to outline the steps to take to create a successful workplace wellness program. By the time the session is over, trainees should be able to:
- Understand what wellness is;
- Know how to link wellness to business objectives;
- Assess your staff’s current level of wellness;
- Launch your wellness program; and
- Monitor its effectiveness.