Crane Rigging
Course Description:
This online crane rigging safety training course teaches employees the safe way to handle crane rigging and all the hazards associated with using cranes while at work. Cranes are used at many workplaces, across all major industries, to lift and move materials. Crane operators are generally trained and often certified in safe crane operations and inspection. However, many accidents involving cranes are caused by failures of crane rigging and rigging hardware.
Why “Crane Rigging” Matters:
Because crane operations can be hazardous, and complicated, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has adopted rules about safe crane regulations, including proper rigging.
If not probably balanced, cranes can topple over when lifting a load, and if a load is too heavy, the load line or crane hook can snap, dropping the load on anything, or anyone, below.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in conjunction with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) have issued a series of standards for crane operations that are often used in construction and other industries.
Other professional organizations have issued standards governing crane organizations in certain industries. For instance, the American Petroleum Institute (API) lists their crane standards for the energy industry, in API Recommended Practice 2D.
Without effective rigging, no load can be lifted safely, and an improperly rigged load can slip from its sling, or break the sling, and fall, killing or seriously injuring workers or members of the public.
Key Points:
- There is certainly a lot to learn about rigging a crane; that’s why crane rigging is often referred to as an art, and it takes years of practice to be a true expert.
- Because lifts often present new situations that require thought and sound decisions, you should never be bored at work!
- It is important that you continue to learn and find out all you can about the practice of rigging cranes.
- As you learn, keep in mind that you need to be cautious at all times, and think safety. It is up to you to never allow a lift that you even suspect could be unsafe.
- Finally, while unusual lifts may require special thought, even routine lifts can be deadly if a sling fails or if the rigger forgets to fasten the crane hook. That’s why it is essential that you follow all procedures every time, and think safety.