Chemical Hygiene Plan

Course Description:

Working with or around chemicals in a laboratory setting may present serious hazards to your physical safety and health. However, these hazards can be reduced and controlled by following a few simple steps. Safety procedures for the facility where you work are outlined in a document called the chemical hygiene plan, or CHP, which is required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA. In this training session, we will discuss the provisions of this plan, including the information and procedures that will protect you and others while working in the laboratory.

Course Duration: 45 minutes

Why “Chemical Hygiene Plan” Matters:

By the time the session is over, you should be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of the CHP for laboratory safety
  • Identify and understand the contents of a CHP
  • Determine your employer’s obligations under its CHP and OSHA’s Laboratory Standard
  • Protect yourself from the physical and health hazards of chemicals in your work area so you can work safely in the lab and lead others in doing so

Key Points:

Some of the key points of this course:

  • It is up to all trained personnel to know the provisions of the CHP and to put the CHP into action.
  • Employees must know how to access information on the safe handling of chemicals and get others to do so.
  • By taking responsibility and getting others to do so, a culture of safety at the facility and throughout the organization is cultivated.
  • The CHP is a working document that is regularly reviewed; input is always needed.

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