California Hazard Communication
Course Description:
This session will guide you through the Hazard Communication, or HazCom, Standard administered and enforced by the California Department of Industrial Relations’ Division of Occupational Safety and Health, better known as Cal/OSHA. This worker right-to-know standard requires your employer to make sure you are informed of the possible dangers of hazardous chemicals in your workplace and how to protect yourself from those hazards. This California HazCom regulation applies to all employers in both the private and public sectors that have hazardous substances in their workplaces. It also applies to laboratories that provide quality control analyses for manufacturing or produce hazardous chemicals for commercial purposes. California’s HazCom regulations have adopted the federal worker right-to-know requirements, as well as some requirements that are stricter than federal standards.
Why “California Hazard Communication” Matters:
Every day in workplaces throughout California, employees like you work with or are incidentally exposed to hazardous substances that can harm health or cause safety hazards. In many cases, the seriousness of the risks depends on the material used, how much of it you use, and how often you use it. With some chemicals, though, improper handling can lead to immediate injury or illness. That’s why it’s so important to be well-informed about hazardous substances in your workplace and know how to get the information you need to protect yourself.
Key Points:
- Explain the purpose of California’s HazCom regulations.
- Identify hazardous chemicals in your workplace, and recognize the risks they pose.
- Interpret the information on chemical labels.
- Explain the purpose and content of safety data sheets, or SDSs, and how to access that information.
- Identify appropriate measures to protect yourself from chemical hazards and respond to emergencies.