Business Writing for Supervisors and Managers
Course Description:
The ability to write effectively is a skill every supervisor and manager needs to possess. Being able to express yourself clearly, accurately, and professionally in writing has a direct impact on your success.
Today’s training session is designed to review important writing techniques that can help you make the most of all your business communications.
Why “Business Writing for Supervisors and Managers” Matters:
Many job functions of managers and supervisors involve written communication. Whether it’s writing reports, memos, job procedures, performance appraisals, or e-mails, writing is a daily job responsibility. Doing it well is critical to effective management.
Written communications are a reflection of professional image. People judge you by the way you write. Superiors, colleagues, employees, customers, and others form impressions about the type of manager you are from the way you communicate in writing.
Vague words and phrases confuse or mislead the reader and waste valuable time.
Readers can be convinced to agree with the message of the writing if it utilizes positive language.
The emergence of the paperless office, e-mail, the Internet and webpages increases the power of the written word. For e-mail alone, the average worker sends and/or receives more than 50 messages a day.
Key Points:
- Identify the characteristics of good business writing
Use words for maximum impact
Develop efficient sentences and paragraphs
Write more effective letters, memos, e-mails, job procedures, guidelines, and reports