Blasting and Explosives Safety (Spanish)
Course Description:
Adherence to safety precautions is of upmost importance in every area of working with dangerous explosives, and safety precautions are strictly enforced by OSHA. By the time the session is over, you will understand the importance of treating the explosives you work with and the blasting process with utmost respect, key blaster qualifications and skills, federal regulations for handling, storing, and transporting explosives, how to take proper precautions when loading and detonating explosives, and the rules to follow during and after the blasting process.
Pocas profesiones dejan tan poco margen para el error como la de trabajador de explosivos. Sin una atención meticulosa a los detalles, un solo momento de distracción puede provocar la muerte. Como puede imaginar, la profesión de voladura es un campo altamente regulado. El objetivo principal de la sesión de hoy es ayudarlo a mantener su lugar de trabajo seguro mientras describe las regulaciones para voladuras y el uso de explosivos que se encuentran en 29 Código de Regulaciones Federales (CFR) 1926.900 a 1926.914 y que son aplicadas por la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, o OSHA.
Why “Blasting and Explosives Safety (Spanish)” Matters:
- Injuries from blasting activities caused by shock waves and flying rock can be fatal, and they can also leave long-lasting physical and mental health issues. Hundreds of construction workers die every year by not using proper safety precautions.
- Blasting accidents from improper safety practices can have devastating effects on your workplace’s resources—both human and financial.
- Having a serious injury or death at work affects everyone at a worksite. You owe it to yourself to keep you and your workers safe at all times.
- Neglecting to adhere to federal regulations involving blasting on construction sites can result in thousands of dollars in fines for violations and repeat violations.
- Thoroughly understanding and adhering to OSHA’s rules and regulations when it comes to blasting and explosives should keep you, your worksite, and the surrounding environment out of harm’s way.
Key Points:
- Understand the importance of treating the explosives you work with and the blasting process with upmost respect;
- Learn key blaster qualifications and skills;
- Know federal regulations for handling, storing, and transporting explosives;
- Learn how to take proper precautions when loading and detonating explosives;
- Know the rules to follow during and after the blasting process
Al finalizar este módulo, el participante será capaz de:
- Enumerar las cualificaciones, aptitudes y responsabilidades de los voladores.
- Implementar las precauciones adecuadas al transportar, almacenar, cargar y detonar explosivos.
- Reconocer los signos de advertencia y las señales de voladura.
- Cumpla los procedimientos necesarios para realizar voladuras en túneles y en otras condiciones difíciles.
- Utilice correctamente los fusibles de seguridad y los cordones detonantes.
- Cumpla los requisitos de seguridad durante y después del proceso de voladura.