Asbestos Awareness (Spanish)
Course Description:
Asbestos is a well-known health hazard and is highly regulated. However, this was not always the case. There are numerous materials in existing buildings and structures that contain asbestos and having the ability to recognize them is important. This training session about asbestos awareness is designed for employees who may contact or work near asbestos-containing material (known as ACM), asbestos-containing building material (known as ACBM), or presumed asbestos-containing material (known as PACM), but do not disturb it as part of their normal work activities.
Why “Asbestos Awareness (Spanish)” Matters:
Asbestos was used in many building materials that were installed before 1981.
The airborne asbestos fibers that can cause health damage are often too small to see with the naked eye.
Asbestosis results in a loss of lung function, which progresses to disability and death. Virtually all cases of mesothelioma are linked to asbestos exposure. There is no cure for asbestos-related illnesses.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, an estimated 1.3 million workers face significant asbestos exposure on the job.
Removing asbestos materials may create a hazard where none previously existed. It is important to be properly trained and aware of how to properly treat asbestos and what to do in case of harmful exposure.
Key Points:
At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:
- Identify asbestos
- Recognize health impacts
- Follow best practices to avoid exposure
- Recognize damaged ACBM
- Respond to potential exposure episodes