Active Shooter On-Site: What Every Employee Should Do (Spanish)
Course Description:
Recent events surrounding workplace shootings remind us how vulnerable we all are. All it takes is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, there are measures you can take to not only limit the damage but also save precious lives both before and during these traumatic incidents. Because most incidents are over within minutes, you need to be prepared to react to the situation with speed. Quick decisions could mean the difference between life and death. Los recientes acontecimientos en torno a los tiroteos en centros de trabajo nos recuerdan lo vulnerables que somos todos. Solo se necesita es estar en el lugar equivocado en el momento equivocado. |
Course Duration: 22
Why “Active Shooter On-Site: What Every Employee Should Do (Spanish)” Matters:
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
Al finalizar este curso, el participante será capaz: